SEvMgr Logo  1.00.0
C++ Simulation-Oriented Discrete Event Management Library
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Command-Line Test to Demonstrate How To Use Sevmgr elements
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Import section
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// STL
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <map>
#include <cmath>
// Boost Unit Test Framework (UTF)
#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE EventQueueManagementTest
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
// StdAir
#include <stdair/stdair_basic_types.hpp>
#include <stdair/stdair_date_time_types.hpp>
#include <stdair/basic/BasLogParams.hpp>
#include <stdair/basic/BasDBParams.hpp>
#include <stdair/basic/BasFileMgr.hpp>
#include <stdair/basic/ProgressStatusSet.hpp>
#include <stdair/bom/EventStruct.hpp>
#include <stdair/bom/BookingRequestStruct.hpp>
#include <stdair/bom/BookingRequestTypes.hpp>
#include <stdair/service/Logger.hpp>
// SEvMgr
#include <sevmgr/config/sevmgr-paths.hpp>
namespace boost_utf = boost::unit_test;
// (Boost) Unit Test XML Report
std::ofstream utfReportStream ("EventQueueManagementTestSuite_utfresults.xml");
struct UnitTestConfig {
UnitTestConfig() {
boost_utf::unit_test_log.set_stream (utfReportStream);
boost_utf::unit_test_log.set_format (boost_utf::XML);
boost_utf::unit_test_log.set_threshold_level (boost_utf::log_test_units);
//boost_utf::unit_test_log.set_threshold_level (boost_utf::log_successful_tests);
~UnitTestConfig() {
// Specific type definitions
typedef std::pair<stdair::Count_T, stdair::Count_T> NbOfEventsPair_T;
typedef std::map<const stdair::DemandStreamKeyStr_T,
NbOfEventsPair_T> NbOfEventsByDemandStreamMap_T;
// /////////////// Main: Unit Test Suite //////////////
// Set the UTF configuration (re-direct the output to a specific file)
// Start the test suite
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE (master_test_suite)
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (sevmgr_simple_simulation_test) {
// Output log File
const stdair::Filename_T lLogFilename ("EventQueueManagementTestSuite.log");
// Set the log parameters
std::ofstream logOutputFile;
// open and clean the log outputfile (lLogFilename.c_str());
// Initialise the Sevmgr service object
const stdair::BasLogParams lLogParams (stdair::LOG::DEBUG, logOutputFile);
SEVMGR::SEVMGR_Service sevmgrService (lLogParams);
const bool isQueueDone = sevmgrService.isQueueDone();
BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE (isQueueDone == true,
"The event queue should be empty at this step. No "
<< "insertion done.");
sevmgrService.buildSampleQueue ();
stdair::Count_T lNbOfEvents (sevmgrService.getQueueSize());
BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE (sevmgrService.isQueueDone() == false,
"The event queue should not be empty at this step. "
<< "Two insertions done.");
stdair::Count_T idx = 1;
while (sevmgrService.isQueueDone() == false) {
// Pop the next event out of the event queue
stdair::EventStruct lEventStruct;
const stdair::ProgressStatusSet lPPS =
sevmgrService.popEvent (lEventStruct);
STDAIR_LOG_DEBUG ("Poped event "<< idx << ": '"
<< lEventStruct.describe() << "'.");
STDAIR_LOG_DEBUG ("Progresss status: " << lPPS.describe());
STDAIR_LOG_DEBUG ("Poped event: '"
<< lEventStruct.describe() << "'.");
// Iterate
// Compensate for the last iteration
// Compared the actual number of popped events with the expected one.
"Actual number of requests in the queue: "
<< idx << ". Expected value: " << lNbOfEvents);
BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE (sevmgrService.isQueueDone() == true,
"The event queue should be empty at this step: "
"the two events have been popped.");
STDAIR_LOG_DEBUG ("Re-added the events into the queue");
// Add again the four events into the queue thanks to
// sevmgrService.buildSampleQueue().
// Dates of the break points: 21-JAN-2010 and 14-MAY-2011.
// Dates of the booking requests: 22-JAN-2010 and 15-MAY-2011.
sevmgrService.buildSampleQueue ();
// Pop the next event out of the event queue
stdair::EventStruct lFirstEventStruct;
const stdair::ProgressStatusSet lFirstPS =
sevmgrService.popEvent (lFirstEventStruct);
// Extract the corresponding date
const stdair::DateTime_T& lFirstEventDateTime =
lFirstEventStruct.getEventTime ();
const stdair::Date_T& lFirstRequestDate =;
const stdair::Date_T lExpectedDate (2010, boost::gregorian::Jan, 21);
BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE (lFirstRequestDate == lExpectedDate,
"Date of the first event popped from the queue: "
<< lFirstRequestDate << ". Should be: "
<< lExpectedDate << " which is earlier in time.");
STDAIR_LOG_DEBUG ("Reset the queue");
BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE (sevmgrService.isQueueDone() == true,
"The event queue has been reset: it should be empty "
<< "at this step.");
STDAIR_LOG_DEBUG ("Re-added the events into the queue one more time");
// Add again the four events into the queue thanks to
// sevmgrService.buildSampleQueue().
// Dates of the break points: 21-JAN-2010 and 14-MAY-2011.
// Dates of the booking requests: 22-JAN-2010 and 15-MAY-2011.
sevmgrService.buildSampleQueue ();
stdair::EventStruct lBreakPointStruct;;
stdair::EventType::EN_EventType lBreakPointType =
BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE (lBreakPointType == stdair::EventType::BRK_PT,
"The last event poppped from the queue should be a "
<< "break point.");;
lBreakPointType = lBreakPointStruct.getEventType();
BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE (lBreakPointType == stdair::EventType::BRK_PT,
"The last event poppped from the queue should be a "
<< "break point.");
// Extract the corresponding date
const stdair::DateTime_T& lBPDateTime =
lBreakPointStruct.getEventTime ();
const stdair::Date_T& lBPDate =;
const stdair::Date_T lExpectedBPDate (2011, boost::gregorian::May, 14);
"Date of the second break point popped from the queue: "
<< lBPDate << ". Should be: "
<< lExpectedBPDate << ".");
STDAIR_LOG_DEBUG ("End of the simulation");
// Close the log file
// End the test suite